Saturday 18 June 2016


Here are 7 reasons why you should include papaya seeds in your regular diet.
1. Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Parasitic Nature
Papaya seeds have an alkaloid ‘Carpaine’ that is known to eliminate amoebic parasites and bacteria such as E.coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus which infect the gastrointestinal tract.In their book, ‘Genetics and Genomics of Papaya’, Ray Ming and Paul H. Moore say that papaya seeds have been used for centuries in many countries as a suitable medicine to destroy parasitic worms. Recent laboratory studies confirmed that extracts  of papaya seeds can effectively kill helminth, a parasitic worm. (Rohan Kermanshai, et al)In order to expel parasitic worms from your body, consume a half teaspoon of papaya seeds with warm water in the morning, ideally before breakfast. Follow it up two hours later with 50ml castor oil and 350ml milk on an empty stomach. Pursue this regimen for 2 to 4 days to get best results.An elixir made of air-dried Carica Papaya seeds and honey proved to be effective in removing parasitic worms in children in a study conducted on 60 children. (Okeniyi JA, et al) Anti-Cancerous BenefitThe seeds of papaya have ‘Benzyl isothiocyanate’ that halts the growth of cancerous cells and tumours. This proves to be of great advantage when it comes to treating cancer of the colon, lung, prostate, breast, leukemia, and many more cancers. Papaya seeds also have high levels of fatty acids such as oleic and palmitic acid that are believed to safeguard our body from cancer.       
Anti-Inflammatory PowerPapaya seeds help combat inflammation of the joints, thereby soothing arthritic pain, swelling and redness and making body movement easy and flexible. This proves to be very useful for ageing men and women and those who are bogged down by aching joint pains.Liver-ProtectivePapaya seeds are blessed with nutrients that aid in healing liver cirrhosis. To enjoy the benefits, simply crush or grind five to six papaya seeds and take them with lime juice for a period of thirty days. At the same time, eat the seeds on a regular basis in order to detoxify the liver and keep liver-related diseases at bay.Kidney-FriendlyKidneys are the body’s best filter mechanism; they remove waste and toxins from the body and maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. Papaya seeds protect the kidneys and play a role in preventing toxin-induced renal failure.Fever-FighterInstead of consuming the usual medicines such as paracetamol to reduce fever, mix crushed papaya seeds with vinegar and apply it on the skin for optimum results. Papaya seeds are so full of nature’s healing qualities that you should include them in your regular diet and not just the enjoy the fruit.Improves DigestionDried and crushed papaya seeds, like pepper, can be sprinkled over food. This adds enzymes to your food and improves your overall digestion.

Thursday 5 May 2016

The Magical Apple

Apples Work Magic on Bad Cholesterol
It raises good cholesterol, lowers bad cholesterol and contributes to weight loss. So what is this miracle substance? An apple."I consider apples a magic food," said Bahram H. Arjmandi, Ph.D., director for the Center for Advancing Exercise and Nutrition Research on Aging at Florida State University. "Apples are not my favorite food, but I buy a bag a week and try to eat two per day. I am convinced this is what I should do if I want to remain healthy."

According to Arjmandi, apple pectin -- the white stuff under the skin -- binds to cholesterol in the gut and ferries it out of the body. This is well-known, but what surprised Arjmandi is how much cholesterol a couple of apples can remove from the body.

In one recent study, he divided 160 women between the ages of 45 and 65 into two groups. One group ate 75 grams of dried apple per day -- about 2 1/2 ounces -- while the other ate the same amount of dried prunes. To his amazement, the women who ate apples experienced a 23 percent decrease in LDL "bad" cholesterol, and increased their HDL "good" cholesterol by 3 percent to 4 percent -- a boost difficult to achieve with drugs or exercise.

The women who ate the dried prunes experienced no such effects on their cholesterol, although another study found that women who ate 10 prunes per day, while taking calcium and vitamin D supplements, had higher bone density in their forearms and spine than women who ate apples.
Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver. Statin drugs, such as Lipitor and Crestor, reduce cholesterol very effectively by blocking an enzyme needed to make it. The problem is that statins can be hard on the liver, which is why people who take them must have a blood test periodically to make sure their liver is not becoming irritated and inflamed. 
"The liver is one of the largest organs in the body, and it can remain pretty functional if only 50 percent of it stays healthy," said Arjmandi. "You do not see an abnormality in the blood unless you do substantial damage to the liver. Drugs have their place, but if you have to check your liver enzymes, that means the drug is doing something not so good for you, and I don't understand why we would go for drug therapies when eating two apples a day reduces LDL cholesterol so effectively. Eat apples and you not only don't harm your liver, but you substantially benefit your health."

So why aren't apples prescribed for high cholesterol as avidly as statin drugs?
Statins account for about 6.5 percent of all drug sales in the U.S., according to Forbes magazine, and earn drug companies about $26 billion per year. 
"You'd have to sell a lot of apples to make that kind of money," Arjmandi said. 
"If the drugs earn that kind of money, why would a business bother with apple pectin?"
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wing."

Sunday 1 May 2016

Kandungan Pada Jeruk Bali

Jeruk bali mengandung pektin jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan dg jenis Jeruk lainnya setelah dijus. Satu porsi jus Jeruk bali mengandung lebih dari 3,9% pektin. Setiap 15 gr pektin dpt menurunkan 10% tingkat kolesterolnya. Berarti jeruk bali DPT menurunkan resiko penyakit jantung.

Jeruk bali dipercaya mengandung zat aktif yg dpt membersihkan sel darah per volume darah. Tingkat hemaktokrit normal pd wantadalah 34-37%, Sedangkan laki-laki 40-54%. Rendahnya hemaktokrit akan menyebabkan anemia, tetapi jika sangat tinggi dpt memicu penyakit jantung krn darah jadi mengental.

Seperti jeruk lain, jeruk bali adalah sumber vitamin C (350 mikrogram / 100 g daging Jeruk. Vitamin C sangat baik sbg sumber antioksidan. Perokok dianjurkan utk mengonsumsi Jeruk bali 2 'siung' (helai dlm buah) setiap hari. Peningkatan kadar vitamin C di dalam darah mampu memperbaiki jaringan yang rusak, bahkan kanker, akibat tidak stabilnya molekul radikal bebas krn rokok dan polusi.
